Palindrome date today, 2011-11-02

Today we celebrate the fact that we have a palindrome date. If we write the date as YYYY-MM-DD we get 2011-11-02 which is a palindrome.

Another palindrome date, which we only get by cheating by writing the date as YY-MM-DD, we get 11-11-11 (Nov 11, 2011). This date is IMO not a real palindrome day, but really cool. So cool we used it for FSCONS

FSCONS is here soon and the schedule is up

I, and many others, are working hard with FSCONS 2011. Me and some others have been working  with FSCONS since 2007. It’s now time for the fifth incarnation of FSCONS. Actually it’s only about 10 days away, depending on when you consider the conference to start. We have some potential start dates:

Nov 10Richard Stallman speaks at Runan in Gothenburg

Nov 11FSCONS workshops, FSFE Fellowship meeting, FSCONS social event in the evening

Nov 12FSCONS presentations, Nordic Free Software Award

Nov 13FSCONS presentations

For me FSCONS starts on Friday Nov 11., for no really valid reason. The reason is the cool date: 11-11-11, fact is that the coolness of the date was the primary reason to go for this weekend.

Get on with it Henrik!

Sorry, it’s hard to focus with all the amount of work.

As for every year, I can really recommend FSCONS. This year I am really happy to see more software related presentations than ever. The schedule is up:

To register for FSCONS:

Nov 11FSCONS workshops, social event in the evening